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Jennifer Jensen

In February 2013 I will celebrate 20 years at b106.7!!   There isn’t much I haven’t done at the station, and am privileged to still be able to be on the air AND
to direct the b106.7 Radiothon to benefit Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital (This year’s event, March 10-12th, will be our 12th annual event!!).
Originally from a small town about 50 miles South of Chicago, my husband and I moved here 20 years ago (I must have been about 9 when we moved!!)
and have called South Carolina home ever since!  

I love music, sports (we’re adopted Gamecock fans), IndyCar and NASCAR racing and pulling a good prank or two!!  Over the years I have learned the need for patience, as I am a
fan of the Chicago Bears and Chicago Cubs.  Of course the need for patience also comes into play being the Mom of a 17 year old daughter and 12 year old son.

Shameless plug alert:  If your family has used the Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital and you’d like to share your story; OR, if you’d like to volunteer for our 12th annual b106.7 Radiothon, please reach out to me at [email protected].  THANKS!!