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Taylor Swift to Donate Proceeds of Single to NYC Public Schools

Taylor Swift to Donate Proceeds of Single to NYC Public Schools

ABC/Lou Rocco(NEW YORK) — Taylor Swift is giving back to her new adopted hometown.The singer announced on ABC’s The View Wednesday that she’s donating the proceeds from the sale of her single, “Welcome to New York,” to New York City Public Schools.”I’m still learning but I’m so enthusiastic about this city that I feel like…MORE

Lexpo 2014

Join B106.7 August 21 from 11am till 2pm at the Radius Campus 300 W. Main Street in Lexington! Make connections and GROW your business! Free lunch and door prizes too! Lexpo Vendors:LMCComporiu…MORE

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Join The B Mail!

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Free Breakfast!

Attention parents and teachers! McDonald’s in the Midlands are offering students and teachers a FREE wholesome breakfast to fuel up before the PASS Test Tuesday May 6th from 6am-8am. Downloa…MORE

Subway Salute to Habitat Volunteers

Like many organizations, Habitat for Humanity relies on volunteers to accomplish its mission to “build houses and hope.” Locally-owned SUBWAY® restaurants are thanMORE

All Request Anything Goes Lunch!

When it's your Lunch hour, you should spend it the way you want to spend it. Chris Logan can help you do that. Give Chris a call and request your favorite song. It's the All Request Anythin.MORE

Everything Radiothon 2014!!

This is THE place to stay updated on EVERYTHING Radiothon 2014!Click HERE for Radiothon 2014 Audio! Click HERE for Radiothon 2014 Photos!…MORE